Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Waiting Game is Over 11-28-2012

I spent several minutes through the night debating the medical profession, paperwork,thyroids, get the picture.

I called my neice Abbie to say "just forget trying to get all the paperwork that is needed" only to hear her reply that she had an appointment for me Friday morning. 

After talking once more to the family doctor's office, requesting that lab and scan results be sent to the specialist, it was finally faxed.

I cancelled the Dec 27 appointment here in Cape Girardeau.

We are travelling tomorrow to Osage Beach MO to see the endocronologist Friday morning.  We are not going to park the motorhome at my mother's.  We need to have cell service for this visit!

I am anxious to consult with the specialist.  I have heard from several friends that they, too, have differing thyroid conditions--hyper, hypo, surgery, pills, etc.  I am not worried that it is life-threatening, just want a diagnosis. 

Enough about all that!

Low this morning was 20 degrees!   Br-r-r!

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