Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another Fun Sunday

Worship service at church ended today with a potluck lunch in the fellowship hall.  The serving tables were filled with turkey, gravy, two kinds of dressing (it wasn't IN the turkey) and lots of side dishes.  I prepared oyster dressing, and most of it was gone at the end of the meal--always a good sign.

We left church and immediately went to the County Historical Museum.  We purchased our tickets and a map for the house tour.  It was the same two homes as last year, but still a fun afternoon.

The first home is owned by a retired educator.  They are world travelers.  Each of the 15 trees in the home are decorated with items from different countries. 

Above: items from Holy Land on this tree

Above: I think this was the Russian tree

These beautiful horses were in the pasture next to the parking area.

Above: Just a few of the village collections on display at the second house.  Can you imagine how long it takes to "put up" and then "take down"?

Each of the host/hostess shared that they themselves do all of the decorating. 

Each home served the most delicious "snacks".  The first home had 'homemade tamales", Mexican almonds, cookies, etc. 

All of that fun just wore us out!  We came home, got into "comfy" clothes, and rested. 

Hope you have had a  great week end.

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