Monday, December 31, 2012

How to Add a "COMMENT"

I am attempting to add a section entitled "comments" for you, the readers, to easily leave a comment on the daily entries.  This is to see if I have been successful.

Ok, just checked on the above published journal and a box labeled "comments" was not added. 

How to Add a comment to any blog.  At the bottom of the entry is a phrase entitled "no comments" .  Click on that phrase and a "comment box" pops up.  Make your comment, click on "Select a Profile", use "name" or "anonymous", then Click "Publish".  It really isn't complicated, just not clear as to where to make a comment.

Please leave a Happy New Year wish or your Resolutions in the Comment section.


  1. Happy New Year!

  2. Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Hope it is full of new blessings! From your Indiana friends, Dave and Laurie

  3. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
