Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Getting Ready for the New Year

One of the things I enjoy on the first day of the New Year is closing out the old calendar and getting the new calendar ready.

I re-read all of the activities, note the new "important" events--new babies or marriages--and transfer them to the new calendar.  Reading the old calendar reminds me of all the fun things we have done--all of the family and friends visited, places visited, routes taken, reunions attended.

It is a visible reminder of the blessings in our life.  Thank you, each and all, for your part in our past year.

Gary and Evelyn served b-b-q ribs this afternoon for lunch.  Um-m-m good. 

Our friends, Fred and Gay, from Oklahoma, arrived in Zapata this afternoon.

  They rode with us to the "jam" session.  Glen and Evelyn were on stage tonight, singing and playing the guitar.  There were ten on stage.

P.S.  Thanks to the friends that left comments last night!  I appreciate it very much.

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