Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve and Day

Christmas Eve our neighbors to the west of us hosted a neighborhood gathering.  There were 25 present.  Our host/hostess prepared sloppy joes and the rest of us brought side dishes.  We had a great time.

Today, the same couple hosted eleven of us for lunch.  Jim and Dee, host/hostess, have an enclosed area, away from the wild winds, where we dined and visted.  Glen wore his favorite Christmas attire today which is denim shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

Wild winds? you say.  Yes, up to 30mph.  There was sunshine and temperatures reached 83 degrees....but dropping to 34 degrees tonight with a high of 59 degrees tomorrow. 

I know, I know.... nothing like our children are experiencing.  Our daughter, living near Ft. Smith, AR, reports snow has started there with totals expected to near 10 inches.  Our son, in Cape Girardeau, MO, says the minimum snowfall expected is 12 inches and may reach 24 inches. 

The expected weather through Arkansas/Oklahoma prevented Evelyn and Gary from leaving their home south of KCMO, heading to Zapata. 

We SKYPE'd with our youngest two grandchildren this morning.  We were able to see the presents, and "chat" with all of their family.  The two oldest grandsons were too busy to SKYPE, but did talk to them on the phone. 

We hope you have had a great day with your family and/or friends. 

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