Saturday, December 22, 2012

Labor of Love

At least, I think Glen is "loving" the work! 

He (Glen) spent most of the morning working on a plumbing leak!  There was no digging involved.  The leak was located at one of the connections of the water softener.  After three--or four---trips to the local hardware store, it was fixed. 

This afternoon Glen worked more on building the longes/tallest wall around the new room...around the washer/dryer, stove, refrigerator.  Most of the work is done on that wall.

Glen is doing a great job.  He is so talented!

I mostly observe Glen working!  :} I hand him the hammer or drill if he is on the ladder, or find the level, or hold one end of the board while he saws. 

Hope your week-end is going great!  Santa is getting ready for the Big Trip!

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