Friday, December 14, 2012

It has been a few slow days!

I was pulling up the covers in bed last night when I realized I hadn't "blogged", then I realized there wasn't much to blog about.

Glen has been preparing for the big delivery from Lowe's.  What is it? 

Yesterday Lowe's delivered....a refrigerator and stove for the outdoor kitchen.  There is some wiring to be done/changed since we are locating them in an area without plug in-s. 

I have been the assistant.  Glen says "Gayla, I need your help.  Hold this board right here."  So I do.  Sometimes I say, "oops, it slipped!"  Then we start over. 

With a stove on the premises I can now bake brownies and expect them to get done in the middle.  Or stuffing/dressing.  Sunday there is a potluck meal after worship service.  I signed up to bring dressing (cooked outside the turkey). 

There are a few things that do not cook properly in the convection oven in the motorhome. 

We are now ready for the jam sessions and social gatherings we love so much that we host in our outdoor living space.

I haven't mentioned that it is drizzling this morning and 65 degrees.

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