Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Start

It is Tuesday.  The start of attending "jam session" on Tuesday nights.

Tonight Glen was part of the audience.  Next week he will take his song books and be on stage, singing. 

There were nine performers on stage tonight.  Audience count was down--less than 40.  I assume there will be more attending after Christmas. 

A neighbor called about noon today, asking if we had jumper cables, and if we did, would we come to the bakery to jump the battery in their pick up.   Yes! we do have jumper cables, and yes, we did go to the bakery to jump the battery in their pick up. 

All in all, a quiet day.  I did put away a few things that had been in the back of the pick up.  Gen worked on an electrical project.  More about that later. 

Just two more weeks until Christmas. 

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