Saturday, December 8, 2012

More Work 12-8-2012

Warning: reading this may cause tiredness!

We worked today on getting the back of the pick up unloaded/emptied.  Only reached the half-way point today.

Sometime over the summer we found two big storage boxes for sale at Big Lots.  We decided they would be used at our winter home.  Glen opened the first box; aw-oh, no instructions.   Thankfully the second box contained instructions.  He got them assembled and after moving them to several locations in the outdoor living space, I finally decided where they would be most useful and look good.!! :}

Glen also assembled the glass-topped table for the outdoor space.  Ready for company now.

Sometime mid-morning we drove to a nearby RV park where there was a "garage sale" going on.  The only thing that interested us was tomato plants.  We bought two "early boys", which is supposed to be ready to eat in 52 days.  Now, if only, the plants know how to read and will grow, blossom, produce fruit and ripen before we leave!

About one we walked next door.  Jim and Dee, originally from Wisconsin, invited a few of us over for coffee to celebrate Glenda's birthday (today).  Glenda and Milton are from Nebraska and has been here since the end of October. 

The day ended with one more job....washing the pick up truck.  It was filthy, we could hardly see out the windows.  The outside is all shiny and sparkly.  It is now fit to drive to church tomorrow.   Next week we will work on emptying the rest of the back and wash out that area. 

Stay tuned for a planned activity tomorrow afternoon.

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