Friday, December 7, 2012

Oh, My Aching Back...Or...More Settling In (12-7-2012

Today's big task was re-positioning the motorhome.

Wednesday night when we came in we did not want to back in, and wake the entire neighborhood.  When in reverse the mh sounds a LOUD back-up signal.  

This morning we worked first at washing the motorhome, scrubbing off many thousands of miles of road grime and dust from gravel roads.

After the bath Glen drove the mh into the street and parked it at the side while we scrubbed the concrete parking pad.  Hence...oh, my aching back!  Glen then backed the mh onto the concrete, headed in the right direction.....forward facing the street. 

This allows us to observe the birds at the feeders out the driver's side windows when we are indoors. 

Days like yesterday and today we are outdoors as much as possible. 

All day yesterday a golden-fronted woodpecker quarreled at us, waiting for some oranges or suet.  Today we hung suet cakes, filled a shallow dish with grape jelly, and halved some oranges.  The woodpecker was the first to find the goodies.  We saw  yellow-rumped warblers, cardinal, mockingbird, curved-bill thrasher, cactus wren in the tree. 

Mid-morning we were asked to go into town by a neighbor to witness some legal documents.  We were honored to do so. 

It has been a good day in the 'hood!

65 degrees--low; 85 degree-high!

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