Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wind Event

there is one more sheet of tin to attach in this pic.

This was yesterday's project.  The area below the shelf and behind the washer/dryer was already "tinned" in.  Glen added the area above the w/d and behind the stove.  I helped a little by holding the sheets of tin while he attached them.

When we leave this area this will be a four-sided room.  The other two sides will be "portable".  We can use the open-concept and then when departing, it will be closed up for safety.  This enclosure helps keep out some of the dust and twice-a-year rains. 

There is dust in the air all of the time.  If one wanted to, one could dust every day even in the motorhome! :}

We put all tools and everything else the shop or in bins of mh, in anticipation of the Wind Event today.  The wind arrived to the tune of 25-30 mph, with temps 30 degrees cooler than yesterday.

I am NOT complaining, though, as I have seen pictures from central Iowa, and heard about blizzard conditions in the Kansas City MO area. 

This has been a great day to be indoors--mostly reading.  Glen finished the new John Grisham book.  I read a book that was on the Kindle. 

I hope you are warm and safe.  If you were in Missouri, you would be stocked up on bread, milk, deli meats, and snacks, ready to be snowed in for a few days. 

I have forgotten if I have mentioned how low Falcon Lake is.  It is 35+feet below pool level.  It barely looks like a lake; just water in the river channel. 

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