Monday, January 21, 2013

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That ----1-21-2013

It has been one of those days...a little of this and a little of that.

I put a pork butt in the crock pot to cook on low all day.  Boy, does it smell good.  Tomorrow I will "pull" it apart and add some bar-b-que sauce for a good sandwich.  I can't wait!

Gary tried out a new recipe.  A "minty chocolate cake that makes its own sauce" that cooked in the crock pot for four hours.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it with a scoop of ice cream for topping. 

Evelyn wins the cleaning award today.  She shook rugs and vacuumed--that I know of.  There might have been more.

Evelyn, Glen and I went for a bike ride in the neighborhood.  We start out -when we are fresh -up the big hill which also means, it is all downhill when we start home. 

Jim and Dee, from next door, came over for a couple of hours this afternoon.  We exchanged some camping stories, caught up on family activities, made some plans for summer of 2014.  They are great friends and neighbors.

Fred and Gay arrived about six this evening.  There was a whole of music going on all evening.  Break time included a dish of Gary's cake!  We sat outdoors the entire evening.  A jacket was required about the time temps dropped to 65 degrees or so. 

It has been n-i-c-e the past few days.  The day started at 58 degrees and made it 78 degrees late this afternoon.  At 10 p.m. it is 64 degrees with a light breeze and lots of stars and moonshine!  **

We talked to our son Darin today.  Darin took Zade, his 4-yr old son, to St. Louis today to meet some of the St. Louis Cardinals at a fundraiser for Cardinal Care.  Zade was most excited to meet Daniel DeCalso.  Zade had a ball that DeCalso had hit to the first base side during a game.  Darin "caught"/recovered the ball as it landed practically in Darin's lap.  DeCalso autographed the ball and gave Zade a "high five".  The picture Darin sent shows Zade with a smile from ear-to-ear! 

Darin sent the pictures to my phone.  I have tried unsuccessfully to move them from the phone to the computer.  Just don't have the know-how necessary for that procedure. 

Take care.

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