Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Week-End Report!

Would you be worried about me if I said I can't remember Saturday morning?  Saturday was a day to be outdoors, and we were. 

Glen and Gary started and finished a carpentry project.  In between we watched the Missouri basketball game.  That was a sad event.  Mizzou lost by 30 points.

We enjoyed lunch outdoors.  It was just a good day be outdoors.

Today at worship service we learned that a good friend who had had a pacemaker installed on Wednesday and came home Thursday, went by ambulance Saturday morning (5 a.m.) to a hospital in Laredo.  He has been diagnosed with a collapsed lung and is in ICU.  We chauffeured his wife to see him this afternoon. 

Football has taken up our time since we arrived back home.  I have no particular favorite but Glen and Gary have teams they want to win.

I have talked to my mother, our son and Ashlynn and Zade, Trisha and Jeff.  We are now caught up with the family news. 

Hope your week end has been a good one.

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