Sunday, January 13, 2013

How was your week end?

You need to share what you have done this week end.  Did you stock the cupboards for bad weather.  I know Missouri had "wintry mix" today.

North winds brought in cooler temps today.  Weather center says "66" for high but I imagine that was at midnight.  Temps when we got up this morning was 50, and it didn't get much above that all day.  The winds have settled tonight and there are no stars.

Five couples ate together after church.  One of the specials was "grilled or fried quail".  Three couples each split one plate, which contained two quail over seasoned rice, steamed veggies, baked potato, salad bar. 

It has been so many years since I have eaten quail that I had forgotten it is all dark meat.  It was good.  Glen said he would like to try it fried.  Gary and Evelyn weren't particularly impressed. 

Of course, afternoon activities included football and nap; one of us did that at the same time :}. 

Have you noticed that we like to play cards!!! Gary, Evelyn, Glen and I played "Hearts" tonight. 

Have a great week.  Avoid slick roads and steps.  Stay safe, and TAKE CARE.

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