Monday, January 14, 2013

(Mostly) Indoor Day

Whine, whine!  I promise    I am going to try to quit whining about the weather here.  I talked to my mother today and she reported it was 24 degrees while it was 60 here.  There was sunshine for most of the day. 

We picked up our mail from our mail-forward-service today.  There were even a few Christmas cards to read.  There are now magazines to read, new credit cards to exchange with the old, etc. 

Tonight we went to Fred and Gay's fifth-wheel rv for music night.  They are parked in a rv park about a mile from here.  It is always a fun evening.

Glen washed the pick-up this afternoon...with no help from me.  I am not sure how he got it rinsed...but he managed :}

Have a great week.

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