Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I am Officially "HOT"!

I know that title has your curiosity at a very high level.  You are wondering "what is 'hot'?"  Is it her temperature? her feet?

It is just me!  I can't help it if I am "hot"!  It is official...the Border Patrol declared me "hot!".  They even measured my "hotness!"

Today to cure "cabin fever" we drove to "the valley"...about 120 miles south of here.  The first stop was at Falcon Dam, across the Rio Grande River which forms Falcon Lake, 30 miles south of Zapata.

We drove out to the middle of the dam, to the border of the USA and Mexico.

We turned around, and stopped at the Border Patrol station at the west (US) end of the dam.  Glen handed the agent the four passports.  In a very short time the agent asked "which one of us had recently had a medical procedure?"

I raised my hand, rolled down my window and confessed it was me.  An agent came out to the window and turned on a Geiger counter and it clicked fast and loud.   He told me I was "still hot!"  Glen was told to pull over to the tables, and the four of us come inside the station. 

We went inside.  Two more agents came out with the Geiger counter and ran it up and down me, with it continuing to click loudly and rapidly.  I answered all questions, including when I had had the medical procedure.  Remember, back in December I swallowed a radioactive pill for thyroid issues.    The pill is still hard at work!

An agent also searched the truck.  All of the agents were polite and friendly.  We were told that they see people who have had medical procedures to leaking propane tanks to illegal bomb making materials set off the alarms.

We were also told that each incident is reported to headquarters in Washington, DC. 

We all agree that we are glad to see our Border Patrol doing their jobs.  I have nothing to hide so it did not bother me to be questioned.  I want them to find the bad guys who are trying to get into the USA with illegal materials---or other things.

Our next stop was  at the border at Weslaco, TX, going into Progressive, Mexico.  This is a SAFE border town, about 15 blocks wide with many physicians, pharmacies, eye doctors, salons for pedicures/manicures/haircuts/permanent eyeliner, enhanced eyelashes, etc. 

We thought by being there in the middle of the week, there might not be many Winter Texans there.  Wrong!  The parking lot was full, the sidewalks were full.

We ate lunch at the Red Snapper, where a Shrimp Plate with six large butterflied shrimp, rice, french fries, and a salad can be purchased for 8.99.  It is delicious.

The only purchases we made were a few items at a pharmacy. 

Since we exited Mexico via the pedestrian bridge there were no alarms or Geiger counter clicking when we exited! :}

We then shopped at the Donna/Weslaco Fruit and Vegetable market.  Wow, what a selection there.  We bought the best fresh pineapple, wonderful navel oranges, and Rio Red grapefruit. 

We also stopped at a new Walmart for a few items.  Then it back north to Zapata.

It has been too long since I added photos to the blog.  I have forgotten how!  After I get this published, I will figure it out.  The pictures may be on a separate entry.  Sorry.

I figured it out.  "Blogger" is having problems.  I had to go through another something...Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer.  

P.S.  Did you see "Flat Stanley" in several of the pictures?  My nephew, a third grader, has read 'Flat Stanley' at school; sent me his version of Flat Stanley.  We are hosting Flat Stanley for a few weeks here in Texas so he can experience some adventures here.

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