Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oh What a Glorious Day! 1-17-2013

It has been a glorious day---all day!  Started the day in a sweatshirt but didn't need it very long!

Glen helped a neighbor with a plumbing problem.  He dug a three-four foot hole which quickly filled with water/mud.  He replaced broken parts and told the neighbor to let it dry thoroughly.  Later in the afternoon another leak developed.  He also repaired it.  So far, the second repair is holding!

Evelyn did a couple loads of laundry, and then I took over.  I did four loads.  It is folded and put away.

In between Glen trimmed limbs, and the rest of us dragged the limbs to the edge of the road.  The county has already picked it up.  It is a great service.  Homeowners can stack/pile tree limbs, grass clippings, lumber; and the county will pick it up with no cost to the homeowner.

The evening ended with fun and fellowship.  Fred and Gay came over.  The six of us played cards; no music tonight. 

I have a sneaking suspension that Glen may be interested in washing the motor home tomorrow. 

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