Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh, What A Beautiful Day! (1-24-13)

The day started with fog so thick we couldn't see the house across the street.  But it didn't take for the sun to pop out and burn it away!  It was bright and sunshiny all day.

Of course we spend the day outdoors on days like this.  We are slowly preparing for the cook-out Saturday.

Glen and Evelyn sang/played at the afternoon Jam Session (different location than Tuesday night).  There were nine performers today.  Actually, ten.  I forgot the trumpet player.  He was very entertaining. 

Gary is trying out new recipes.  Today he fixed a southwestern casserole: hamburger, jalapenos, cheese, prepared Jiffy cornbread, corn, and other stuff...all baked together.  it was mighty tasty!

As soon as we finished with the late lunch/early dinner..."lupper!", we went next door to visit with neighbors who were celebrating another neighbor, Shirley's, 79th birthday.

Then....Fred and Gay came over about seven for a few card games. 

It has been quite the social day. 

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