Friday, January 25, 2013

Fun Times

Wow, another great day. 

We tried a new breakfast dish this morning.  We had been told to try "migas" at one of the local restaurants. 

"Migas" is scrambled eggs mixed with crisp corn tortilla strips and melted cheese.  It is a tasty dish.  After we were served the plate-full, the waitress tells us, "oh, you can order half a serving!".  We had already decided that we would split an order next time. 

Grocery shopping followed breakfast.  We are getting ready for the cook-out tomorrow evening.

At two this after there was a performance by "Amber Waves", a family group of six, originally from Colorado.  The Costello family have been on the road full time over a year now.  Mom played a mandolin and sang; dad played bass fiddle and sang; twin daughters, about the age of 17, played banjo and guitar, and sang; son age 12 played the fiddle, sang and told jokes; and least was Mary, age 7, who sang.  One of the twins sang three songs that she had written.  They are a very talented family.

The music was bluegrass, with an Irish jig thrown in.  They were very entertaining.

There was time for a bite of supper, then off to church where Glen and Evelyn practiced music for Sunday morning.  I dropped them at church and went to a nail salon for a pedicure.  Pure luxury. 

Are you interested the temperatures for today?  65 for a low and 85 for a high!

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