Saturday, January 26, 2013

Party Time 1-26-13

There wasn't a great deal to do to get ready for tonight's cook out. 

We set up the tables and chairs, bought ice, etc.  Gary and Evelyn prepared the baked beans.  I did slaw, and baked a gooey-butter cake.  Glen grilled the brats and burgers.  The pulled pork warmed in the crock pot.

Eighteen, counting Gary/Evelyn, Glen and me, were here tonight.  Three declined because illness.  We missed them but appreciated them not sharing their germs.  Three of the 18 live here year-around.  The rest of us are "winter Texans". 

Weather Alert!  63 low temp and 86 high temp.  The wind has averaged 10-20 all day!  Lots of sunshine.

The mesquite trees are in the process of losing their leaves.  Yes, just now in late January.  Probably in the next two weeks the same trees will start blooming, form seed pods, and put on new leaves. 

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