Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mowing the Yard

Glen mowed the neighbor's yard this morning.  The neighbor, Bob, actually waters the grass once in awhile so there is green showing.  Bob also happens to be in the hospital. 

We didn't want his place to look like no one is in the house.  The place does look better, less scruffy.

Our place, however, does not need mowing.  After the one inch that came in the first couple of weeks after we arrived there has been no rain/moisture. 

There were 17 on the performance stage tonight at the Jam Session.  This is probably the prime night...the best attendance, for the season. 

Eleven of us convened at the Dairy Queen for a blizzard after the Jam.  I just had a "mini" sized blizzard!

There is a surprise (for you) tomorrow.  Stay tuned to read about the fun day Wednesday.

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