Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Here's the Surprise!

 Top: Westwind corporate jet landing at Laredo, TX airport
Bottom: our son-in-law, Jeff, on left, the pilot for the jet.  

Jeff and copilot Gene flew two businessmen from Ft. Smith AR to Laredo this morning.  Glen and I met them at the airport and took Jeff and Gene to lunch.  The businessmen were met by their contacts and taken to a meeting.  After lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant we took Jeff and Gene back to the airport so they wouldn't be late, and to prepare the plane for the next flight.

From Laredo the group went to New Mexico for another meeting, and then back to Ft. Smith at the end of the day.

It was great to see Jeff and be able to visit with him for the 90 minutes or so.  Jeff's job enables him to see many parts of the country, often numerous parts of the country in one day!

We made a stop at Sam's Club and Lowe's after lunch.  

I hope we have let Gary know how much we appreciate him and the work he does for us.  Since we have constructed the outdoor kitchen, the lighting needed to be re-done.

While we were gone today Gary moved one light out of the kitchen to the open area; then wired for another light and a switch in the kitchen area.  That light now turns off/on with the new switch.  

Here is one of my favorite, more colorful birds that come to the feeders.  This is called a Green Jay.  The colors are vivid.  Think blue jay in a different suit of feathers!

Weather: blue skies, temps: 55/74 degrees!  Beautiful day.

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