Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unexpected News 2-19-2013

Bob, our neighbor that lives across the street, has been in the hospital for ten days.  He has not received a good diagnosis.  But, today at noon he passed away at the hospital.  

In the small world category, Bob was raised in Poplar Bluff, MO where we lived for 37 years.  He lived here when my grandparents bought in the 1970's, also obviously knew my parents when they were here.  

He helped us in many ways get things established.  Bob lived here year-round and always kept an eye on our place when we were gone.  

Bob did not have children; and in many ways, the neighbors were his "family". This is a good neighborhood and everyone looks after and cares for each neighbor.  

The Jam Session tonight was excellent!  Everyone had a good rhythm and performed well.

The usual group met after the Jam Session at Dairy Queen.  The Blizzards are tasty but the camaraderie and jokes are even better.

Hope you are having a good week.

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