Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week-End Report

Saturday:  Glen, what happened yesterday?  Glen: I don't remember anything.

I think it must have been a really quiet day.  
We sat outdoors and watched the sad-ending Missouri basketball game.  Enough said about that.  Dinner in town.
Finished the day with card games with Evelyn and Gary.

Today:  Worship, Sunday School, and lunch with the church group in town.

I didn't realize I needed a two-hour nap until I looked at the clock when I finally awoke; and it was two hours later!

Tonight we were invited to a "karaoke" party at a neighbor's.  Jim, the host, has a complete set up for karaoke.  There were probably ten different people that entertained the rest of us.  It was a fun evening.

How was your week-end?  

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