Saturday, March 16, 2013

3-16-2013 Saturday At the Corner of Full and Miserable!

Oh, my full tummy!  Del and Jean, friends here in Zapata, newlyweds at the age of 87 and now married one year, invited us over for a fish fry in the late afternoon.

Del and Jean go to Canada a couple of times each summer for fishing.  This afternoon they shared the bounty.  Del fried northern pike and walleye.  Jean supplied the side dishes.  

With halibut being my all-time favorite fish, walleye is my second favorite.  Sorry, crappie and catfish!  Of course crappie and catfish are more readily available!  ;}

Fred and Gay and their son-in-law, Don, were also guests. There was also entertainment after the meal.  With Del on the harmonica and Gay on the mandolin and Fred on the guitar, there was some good music happening!

Glen washed and polished the pick up this afternoon. Now we can see out the windows.  The winds often whip up and blow around lots of dust which settles on everything.  

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