Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013 Sign of Spring

"Monday, Monday! "  Who did that song?  The Carpenters?

Wow, winter is over here.  Neighbor reported 106 degrees; we saw 101 on the truck thermometer.  Our portable weather station that USED TO record daily low/high temps is no longer functioning.  I am also skeptical of the "current" temps it shows.

We were invited to join a group of neighbors in Laredo for lunch.  As we needed to check on a prescription at Walmart we accepted the invitation.  We met at the Sirloin Stockade; senior lunch buffet on Monday/Tuesdays is 5.99 including drink per person.

The food was okay; not the best nor the worst we have had.  Not bad for the price!

Tonight Fred and Gay came over for music and conversation.  They are going to Oklahoma early Wednesday morning.  We will miss them.  It is going to be quiet around here!

Another sign of spring--we saw a scissor tail flycatcher ( a bird with a very long tail) sitting on an electrical line this afternoon.  

Take care.

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