Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3-20-13 A great Beginning to the Day

Friends and neighbors, one block over, Jim and Dee. hosted a "Getting Ready to Leave" breakfast this morning.  There were 15 present for pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, ham, fresh fruit, juice and coffee.  It all was delicious, somehow made even  better by the company around us.  

Of the 15 present three stay year-around!  One other couple who were gone for breakfast but came in later, also stay year 'round.  Departures will start this Saturday and end the first of May!

It was such a good time that most everyone hung around until one o'clock...not eating all that time, but telling tall tales and exchanging stories!!

We awakened to moisture on the windows.  I am not sure there was ever enough moisture to make the concrete wet!  It was cloudy all day, with a north wind, but still pleasant.

This afternoon, Jim and Dee, breakfast hosts, came here and watched one of our informational "visit Alaska" videos.  They are working toward a trip to Alaska the summer of 2014.  Right now, a return trip to Alaska in 2014 is also in our plans.  Planning starts early!

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