Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3-19-2013 The Curtain Closes

And the curtain closes!

Tonight was the last night of this season's Jam Session.  There were nine performers and about 30 in the audience.

Obviously several Winter Texans have headed north!

Ten of the Jammers+spouses enjoyed the "special" at Dairy Queen!  You do know about the special....buy one Blizzard, get the second for 99-cents!

We said our "good-byes" and exchanged hugs with Fred and Gay tonight.  They will be heading to Oklahoma early in the morning!  

Our travels have allowed us to meet people from many different locations.  In some instances there is an instant connection and life-long friendships are started and kept.  We cherish all these friendships.

Highs today were in the mid-90's.  It was perfect to sit outdoors and read, or watch Glen work!  The gentle breeze kept the temperatures feeling mild.

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