Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3-27-13 Still No Hurry to Head North.

I talked to my sister in central Missouri this afternoon.  She said there is still snow on the ground!  She also said "don't be in a hurry to get here!"  Night-time temperatures is what is worrisome; we don't want pipes or hoses freezing!

We kept busy doing " a little of this and little of that". 

Glen mowed the yard, mostly weeds, across the street from us.  This location is where our neighbor passed away last month.  It was looking ragged, definitely looks better now.  I really don't know how anything is growing.  There has been NO precipitation at all since the first week of January.  

We ate lunch with Jim and Cris, who are heading back to Camdenton Mo tomorrow.

We watched the movie "Lincoln" this afternoon.  Friends Jim and Dee loaned it to us.  "Lincoln" concentrates on the 3-4 months prior to Lincoln's assignation.  I think we understood the movie better since we had just read  the book "Killing Lincoln". 

Take care.  The month of March is dwindling down to a precious few days.  

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