Saturday, March 30, 2013

3-30-13 Thursday, Friday? What Happened?

Thursday night, I crawled into bed with a book (more about that later) and about eleven I had the thought "oh, I didn't work on the blog.  I will do it tomorrow."

Friday night, I crawled into bed with a book and about eleven I had the thought "oh, I can't believe I didn't work on the blog."

First, you haven't missed much.  We are slowly doing the prep work for getting back on the road after four months in one place.  I must say these four months have flown by.  Oh my.

I went to the library Tuesday.  The librarian says "have you read this series?  I think you will like them."  Of course I would like them.  Now I am trying to get them read before we leave Monday morning.  Thus the reading late into the night.

Thursday was spent in taking down, clearing out the Outdoor Living Space.  I will do one or two loads of laundry Sunday afternoon and then close up the new "kitchen".  

Glen climbed to the roof of the motor home and scrubbed the four months' worth of dust away.  The dust is now down the tube!

I have discovered that the non-prescription readers I have using for the past ten years or so is no longer strong enough.  Needing new ones was a good enough excuse to go to Laredo!  We really like the readers we buy at Sam's.  We discovered that there was bifocal sunglasses also for sale.  These are great for looking at a map or the GPS.  

Of course while we were in Laredo we went to Red Lobster, using the "buy one entree, get the second half off" coupon for the Lobsterfest meals.  We weren't disappointed.  It was delicious.  Of course the portions were huge.  We each brought the large half of our entrees home.  We have one meal from the leftovers, and there's enough for one more meal.  That makes cost even better!

Yesterday morning I met Dee and Glenda to check out the yard sales.  We each spent $1 or less. 
When I got home from the yard sale tour Glen had finished washing the motor home   He washed the entire mh by himself!  The mh definitely looks better!

This is a Bullock's oriole that has been at the feeder the past few days.  

He is a beauty.  He has tried all of the feeders...grape jelly, sugar water, suet.  He was here again this morning.  This is the fourth kind of oriole we have had at the feeders.

Hope you are enjoying the Easter week end.

Sorry for being negligent in the daily writings.

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