Sunday, March 31, 2013

3-31-13 Resurrection Sunday

We attended Sunrise Service this morning at 7:30 a.m.  Glen led the congregational singing and closed the service by singing "Ten Thousand Angels".  

There was time before lunch to get the rest of the prep work finished.  All that is left for morning is the normal get-on-the-road stuff....disconnect water, electric, sewer; hook up the truck....and get on the road.

Del and Jean invited us to lunch at 2 p.m.  Del fried northern pike that he had caught in Canada.  Jean had all the side dishes prepared.  It was a great meal with great friends.  

At six we walked next door to Dee and Jim's for dessert and time with Milton/Glenda-will return to Nebraska in a month; Freda/Dale-live here year-around; Gilbert/Joyce-live here year around; Bennie/Terry-will go to Colorado in a month.  Dee and Jim will leave in a month for a summer-long tour of the western states.  

Monette, who lives about four blocks from here, stopped this afternoon with a tin of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  I have already sampled and and said "delicious!".  She brought Glen a mug for hot tea or milk for dunking the cookies.   We watched thunderheads build just before sunset.  The thunderheads dissolved into heat lightning all around.  I would bet there won't be rain, but I am willing to be pleasantly surprised.  

It is to start singing "On the Road Again!"  

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