Saturday, March 30, 2013

3-30-13 Saturday Stuff

Just to get back in the routine of doing this most nights, I will finish out the day with a short description of today's activities.

Glen's big project for the day was to drain the fresh water tank, refill and sanitize with bleach, let sit for four hours, run the sanitized water through the pipes and out the faucets, drain again, and refill.  The fresh water is now just that....fresh!  After sitting for four months and in some hot temps it is a job that needs to be done!

While waiting for the four hours to pass Glen also cleaned out the hot water tank.  Sure enough there was built-up calcium.  It is now cleaned out.  

Also during those four hours we washed the pick-up.  At least it will start the trip north all clean and shiny.  The forecast looks like at some point about Arkansas there will be rain to drive through, but that's okay.  It has been a long time since we have had to think about rain.

In between everything else I am just a few pages from completing Book Three of the trilogy the librarian recommended.  I will be ready to put them all in the drop box at the library tomorrow!

We are going to sunrise service in the morning, which starts at 7:30.  Attending sunrise service is a favorite Easter memory from my childhood.  Being outdoors with the sun rising at the same hour our resurrected Lord arose "up from the grave" is great reminder of what happened that long-ago morning.  

We wish you the real meaning of Easter--not the Easter Bunny, but

"up from grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes,
He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign."

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