Friday, March 1, 2013

Dinner Party 3-1-2013

We......Evelyn, Gary, Glen, and I......hosted a dinner party tonight.  

On the menu: prime rib----yes, you read correctly!
                        baked potatoes
                        Oriental cole slaw
                        Steamed mixed vegetable--brought by a guest
                        Homemade wholewheat bread--brought by a guest
                        Homemade ice cream--brought by a guest
                        Brownies with pecans
                        Icebox cake

Oh my, it was all delicious!

Guests: 16 neighbors...7 couples and 2 widows plus the four of us

Location:  our outdoor living space
Time: 4:30.....avoided the bugs at this time

Gary wore the chef hat tonight.  He was in charge of the prime rib.  Evelyn prepared the cole slaw.  It was a big hit with several requests for the recipe.  

We slowly and leisurely prepared the tables and the outdoor living space during the day.  

We had a great time visiting with everyone.  It is a great mix of people, with ages ranging from the newly retired and nearly retired (ages 56) to retired for many years (age 80/81)  .  Two couples and one widow lady live here year around; the rest of us leave in spring and return in fall.  

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