Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, 3-11-13 The Days are Dwindling Down to a Precious Few

Gary and Evelyn organized and prepared for their departure on Wednesday morning.  As we said today..."it is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by!"  I will repeat: we will miss them.  

The performers at the Tuesday night Jam Session met tonight for a dinner together at a local restaurant.  Spouses were also welcomed.  The group shared their thanks and appreciation to Tom, the leader of the pack!  

After dinner Gay and Fred came by our place for one last evening of cards.  Each team won 2 games.  Fred said a tie was like "kissing your sister!"

Fred and Gay will be here one more week.  Fred has done lots of fishing, but not lots of "catching".  There has been discussion on why there hasn't been much catching.  The lake level is low, so one would think the fish would be concentrated in a smaller area.  

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