Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

The pictures below tell of the morning's activities!

 Let the parade begin! Zapata County Fair Parade, Zapata, TX
 Congressman Henry Cuellar
 Veteran's Organization from Laredo, TX
 Old Glory blowing in the wind.
 Border Patrol on horseback.
 Border Patrol on 4-wheeler.
 Border Patrol ready for the water.
 Fancy vehicle.
Miniature horse hard at work.
 We help sponsor this one each Tuesday evening! :}
The End!

There were about 75 units in the parade.  A group of 30 horses would be one unit.  The high school band was one unit.  

Sad Face.  The Mizzou Tigers lost the basketball game in the last seconds of the game versus Tennessee this afternoon.

The End of the Day.  The wind has blown dust around all day.  The skies are hazy with the dust. But, it did make for a beautiful sunset.

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