Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Seen Today....Dorothy and Toto!

Several neighbors reported seeing Dorothy and Toto fly over the neighborhood today!

There was enough wind today to move Dorothy and Toto around!  Whew, this morning the wind was steady at 30-35 mph.  The wind has moved on now and it is quiet; starry, and 55 degrees (at 10:32 p.m.). 

Of course we stayed indoors.  Glen and I did some reading, bookwork on the computer, even a nap! 

There were technical difficulties Sunday evening in TIVOing "The Amazing Race".  It didn't happen! :}  Glen found the show on CBS. com.  We watched it, and a couple of other recorded shows. 

We went to the Jam Session tonight.  The stage was filled with musicians.  There were at least 15 that went to Dairy Queen afterwards for a Blizzard/snack!  The laughter was rolling as stories were told on one another!

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