Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Butterflies 3-4-2013

It's Monday....
   do laundry--check--Evelyn

 make phone calls--check--Gayla
       call Walmart Pharmacy for refill --check--Gayla
        Received call FROM doctor's office in Missouri; learned that thyroid is no longer functioning. I will be taking a synthetic thyroid hormone pill for the rest of my life.
         Realized that I gave correct phone number for Walmart Pharmacy but wrong city to the nurse in Missouri.  Told her "Zapata" instead of "Laredo"!   Made return call to correct that error.

There was cheering and dancing in the aisle after learning that we do not have to go to Missouri this coming week end.  Doctor was okay with giving me the news over the phone instead of an office call 1000 miles away!! 

Also scheduled for this coming Saturday was Glen's 50th High School Graduation Reunion.  Received calls last night saying reunion was being rescheduled as Iberia High School basketball team is in the final four and will be playing on Saturday!  Hurray for that timing!!

Tonight we were invited to Mark and Jane, neighbors and friends from church, for a cook out.  Oh my goodness, it was delicious.  Mark cooked pen-raised quail, pork ribs, brisket, and chicken quarters in the bar-b-cue over a combination of mesquite, pecan, and oak wood.  The guests brought in side dishes---corn casserole, macaroni salad, baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, stuffed jalapenos.  Can you say "stuffed", "roly-poly"?  And I forgot dessert...two kinds of cake.

By the way, Mark raised the quail that he prepared and cooked.  Mark raises the quail, retrieves the eggs, incubates the eggs, and raises the quail and the cycle continues.  Up to 120 eggs at a time can be incubated.  

After tonight the social calendar cools off.  Tuesday will bring Jam Session; Wednesday we will go to Laredo to pick up prescriptions, Thursday, another Jam Session.  We are just so-o-o busy! :}

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