Tuesday, April 2, 2013

4-2-13 Long Day on the Road Greenwood AR Fairgrounds

What a day of change.

94 degrees at Zapata.  78 degrees in San Antonio as we were leaving.  This afternoon is dropped 35 degrees in 30 minutes to 40 degrees in western Arkansas.

Zapata, San Antonio....the extreme drought area, empty ponds, lakes, no green anywhere
SW Arkansas all the way to Greenwood ARK....rain, rain, rain.  Ponds and lakes filled and overflowing; creeks and ditches running, fields filled with water.  It is a beautiful sight

Zapata and SW Texas...mesquite and prickly pear
NE Texas and Arkansas....dogwood and red bud trees in bloom; fields GREEN; daffodils blooming.

Arkansas....39 degrees and rain and coats!

We are at our usual stopping place...the fairgrounds about three miles from our daughter and family's home.

They all came over as soon as we were parked and plugged in.  Oh, my, the three boys are becoming TALL young men.  Brady said he is 6'4", Landon is 6', and Tanner is nearly as tall as me 5'6".  

Trisha is on crutches still.  She had orthopedic doctor this morning.  She learned she has a broken knee cap.  She will be out of work another 6-8 weeks, starting physical therapy tomorrow.  Doctor wants to see if knee cap will heal on its own; if not, then surgery will be needed.  We are eternally grateful that her neck/head was not involved in the list of injuries.  

We didn't follow the recommended, use the interstate route today.  We zigged and zagged, and saw beautiful scenery, but probably was at least three hours longer than the straight/interstate route.  

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