Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4-3-13 Visiting with Family

Texas bluebonnets.  We didn't see nearly as many as we have seen in past years.  This group was the easiest to stop and photograph.  Bluebonnet territory has also been in the "drought" area which may have affected the blooming season.  We also were driving a different route than in the past.  Take your choice of why we didn't see many.  They are beautiful.

I left my Texas Wildflowers ID book in Texas. At the moment I can't name the orange flower.  It may come to me.  If it does, I will share.  Or, maybe you know it and will share.

We have spent the day with Trisha, taking her to her first physical therapy session.  We have enjoyed Brady and Tanner after they came home from school.  Landon is home from school with mono.  Jeff was working today, flying to Midland TX and back.  

Glen, Brady and Tanner all went to the barber after school.  As my dad would have said, "they got their ears lowered. 

I am not sure what Trisha and/or Jeff has on the agenda for tomorrow,  Whatever, it will be fun!

Have I said it is COLD here?  Long pants, and coats needed.  Even shoes with toes in them.  By Friday it is supposed to be 70 degrees.  Okay, I am ready.

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