Saturday, April 20, 2013

4-20-2013 We're Back! Or, Good Days and Bad/Sad Days

Thanks for sticking with us while we have been out of pocket; literally out of internet and cell service.

We spent about ten days parked at my mother's, leaving yesterday and arriving in Cape Girardeau late in the afternoon.

Having been "warned" by my brother and sister that Mom was going downhill rapidly, it was no surprise to find her memory and physical capabilities declining.  I knew by recent telephone conversations that it was happening.  

To make the ten-day saga shorter, I will just say there was a family conference, decisions were made to find a care center, and get her admitted.  All of this was accomplished by this past Tuesday.  

We are impressed with the care center.  The staff is outstanding in their care to attention.  There is no longer the need to worry about Mom properly taking her medicine, falling (indoors and out), etc etc.

Her being hard-of-hearing has been blamed for part of her non-responsiveness, but found out at evaluation by the occupational therapist that she didn't know where she was, what year or month or day it was, etc etc etc.  

There is also physical declining--falling, stumbling, lack of making it to the bathroom.  

I count it a blessing that we four children came together, had good discussions, and found the proper solution.  If at all possible we wanted her to stay in her home for as long as possible.  Mom had done that, and it was time for the next step.

The transition was much smoother than expected.  There was no wailing or gnashing of teeth.  The first morning she wanted to back "home".  I think in a very few days she won't know where "home' is, and she will be content where she is.  

Glen and I did some exploring and found two rv parks that are only 20 minutes away from the care center, both with internet and cell service.  One of those parks will be where we park when we go back.

We surprised our youngest grandson yesterday afternoon by picking him up at his preschool.  It was a joyous welcome.  

This morning the last soccer game of the season was scheduled, but the other team didn't show up.  Zade's team members received the "participating" trophy.  
Zade, ready for the game

In action...running downfield

Zade, with the trophy

The Mighty Mississippi River, nearly at flood stage.

Last fall when we left Cape Girardeau the Mississippi River levels were so-o-o low that it was closed to barge traffic.  Not so, this spring.  There has been enough snow through the winter and early spring rains that it is at nearly flood stage.  The flood gates are being closed and it is expected to rise another ten feet in the next week.

This is the beautiful season in southeast Missouri.  The redbuds, dogwood, tulip trees, tulips, are all in bloom.  

To all my Texas readers....the grass is so green it hurts the eyes!  

I will have a few more family stories in the next few days to share.  Enough for today.

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