Sunday, April 21, 2013

4-21-2013 50th High School Reunion (Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

A week ago yesterday Glen's high school graduating class celebrated 50 years of being out of high school.

There were 17 graduates.  One of those 17 was from the class of '64 but wanted to get married, had enough credits to graduate, so graduated one year early with Glen's class.  Thirteen of the remaining 16 were present at the reunion.  
Two of these started in 1960, but didn't graduate in 1963 from Iberia. The one on the left is not part of Duck Dynasty.

Two of these ladies started in 1960, but didn't graduate in 1963 from Iberia.

One of the class sponsors and his wife was also present.  It was a great gathering.  

It is hard to realize/fathom that high school was that many years ago!  I will also be celebrating the same milestone in 2014!

Glen very much enjoyed the gathering.  I did hear a few stories for the first time about fast car rides!  

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