Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Happy Birthday to the newest teen in our family.  Tanner, Trisha's youngest son, celebrates his thirteenth birthday today.  

It is official.  In the blended family of Trisha and Jeff there are kids these ages....15, 15, 14, and 13.  Four teenagers!  Just think of feeding them, buying shoes for them, insurance for vehicles, and then college.  Oh, my!  

We were up and at 'em early this morning, arriving at Darin and Sarah's home this morning shortly after seven.  We delivered Ashlynn and Zade to their schools.

We caught up on some of the tivo'ed shows today.  It was too cold to be outside!

It was rainy/drizzly this morning with a brisk breeze.  Low this morning was 40 degrees, with a high of 59 degrees after the sun finally began shining late in the afternoon.

I am convinced Zade lives and breathes baseball--or any kind of sport that involves a ball.  After arriving at their home this afternoon Zade says "let's play ball!"

Glen, Zade, Ashlynn and I "played" baseball until Darin arrived home and then he also played.  As Ashlynn said, "Daddy, it's a great afternoon to play ball."  

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