Thursday, April 25, 2013

4-25-13 A Drive Through The Country

It has been a beautiful spring day, sandwiched between rainy days.  We took advantage of the sunshine to drive to Charleston, Mo, about 30-35 miles south and east of Cape Girardeau, MO.

Charleston, MO hosts an annual Dogwood and Azalea Festival each April, usually the third week end of the month.  The ideal scenario is for the dogwood and azalea to be at the prime time of blooming at the same time.

This spring it seems that the dogwood was ahead of the azalea in blooming time.  Still we found some beautiful scenery.  The quaint small town has the streets marked for self-tours.

There are many different colors of azaleas throughout the town, but these are probably my favorite colors.

Is there anything prettier than pink dogwood?

Maybe white dogwood?
We enjoyed the thousands of acres of cropland being prepared for spring planting.  There were fields with new corn about three inches tall just bright with the green leaves of the corn.  Other fields were being plowed or fertilized.  

We finished the day by picking up Ashlynn and Zade at school.  We drove to a scenic viewpoint on the north edge of Cape Girardeau to watch the mighty Mississippi River.  The river is above flood stage, filled with huge logs, moving at a mighty speed.

Poppy Glen and Ashlynn

Zade, just full of mischief!

The Mighty Mississippi River full of debris and on the move.

Ashlynn and Zade with the Miss. River in the background.

We will be traveling to Jefferson City MO tomorrow to attend visitation and funeral services for my dad's sister.  

Have a great week end.

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