Friday, May 24, 2013

5-24-2013 The Scenic Tour

After breakfast in downtown Branson with Gary driving we set out to find Big Cedar Lodge.

It didn't take long to get there.  Oh, my goodness, it is spread over several small hills and valleys.  There is no "Big Cedar" instead there is like five lodges with more being developed all of the time and cabins and marina and all things water to rent.  It is a beautiful setting.  

The trip back to Branson was also scenic.  Gary found roads we had never been on!"} but we didn't stay "lost" long.  

We are getting ready for departure in the morning.  Gary and Evelyn have been gracious hosts. We have carried several things down to the truck already.  It won't take long to be ready to leave.

Have a great week end.

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