Sunday, May 5, 2013

5-5-2013 No Cinco de Mayo Celebration

No celebration of the Fifth of May here.  It was too rainy.  Does a nap count?

After worship service our two families (us plus Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade) enjoyed the luncheon buffet at Pizza Inn.  It is "all you can eat" $5 per person plus drink.  Not a bad meal.

It absolutely rained all night and most of the day here.  It made for a good nap (is there such a thing as a "bad nap"?).  

We spent the evening with son/DIL/grandchildren.  Zade plays "ball" for hours with Poppy.  Ashlynn read books, and tried on clothes and wore her new shoes all evening. 

American Goldfinch

 Indigo Bunting and Northern Cardinal

Indigo Bunting  

We enjoyed a little color in the middle of the gray, wet, gloomy day!
These were taken through the wet window of the motor home.


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