Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7-17-13 Today in Pictures

A family of mute swans.

Parent and a baby swan.  What do you call a baby:  A cygnet.

Probably a momma Mallard (not for sure) and her ducklings.  Taken on stream between Lake Michigan and Silver Lake, Mears, MI

Gary and I waiting at the bottom of the Little Sable Point Lighthouse

Just like the jeeps we were in for the 1 hour 45 minutes Sunset Tour of the Silver Lake Sand Dunes, Mear, MI
This is the jeep Jeff, Marcella, and Evelyn were in.
Gary/Evelyn Morrow; Glen/Gayla Hickey; Jeff/Marcella Schnakenberg
Gary/Evelyn; Jeff/Marcella/Gayla/Glen
Gayla and Glen
One of the many dunes we drove over.
Glen and Gayla with the setting sun over Lake Michigan
The setting sun over Lake Michigan.
The day is over!
Footprints in the fine sand.

Evelyn at the top of the Little Sable Point Lighthouse.  It is 132 steps to the top.

Somehow these didn't load in the correct order.  It is too late for me to figure out how to correct.  Use your imagination! :}

The Silver Lake Sand Dunes are up to five miles deep; constantly moving due to wind from Lake Michigan, covering trees and houses!  Today--the present--the dunes provide much enjoyment for lots of people.  Our Tour leader said some of the vehicles that are driven on the dunes cost upward to $200,000.  No typo.

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