Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, 7-16-2013 Today in Pictures (Silver Creek Luxury RV Resort, Mears, MI)

Marcella and Jeff Schnakenberg, and Glen Hickey on one of the sand dunes.

Gayla Hickey and Marcella Schnakenberg on one of the sand dunes at Silver Lake, Mears, MI

Jeff and Marcella 

One dune in the 2000 acres of open dunes at Silver Lake, Mears, MI

Little Sable Point Lighthouse, Lake Michigan, Mears, MI
 We left Elkhart Indiana this morning after first going to one of the RV surplus stores.  We didn't find any bargains so no purchases.

We then traveled to Mears, Michigan, which is the location of the Silver Lake Sand Dunes, 2000 acres of sand dunes.  The dunes and Silver Lake in the Mears area is surrounded by acres and acres of orchards and garden produce.  We saw fields of spent asparagus, cherry orchards, fields of blueberries.  

The only blip of the day:  we arrived at the RV resort, parked in our sites, and Jeff discovered that the jacks on his RV will not extend--none of the four jacks.  Of course it was too late in the day to call the RV company.  

We walked to the top of one of many sand dunes this afternoon.  Wow, the loose sand is difficult to walk in.  We drove to the Little Sable Point Lighthouse located on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Gary and Evelyn (Glen and Marcella's sister) are joining us tomorrow.  There will be more exploring.  

(Remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

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