Sunday, July 21, 2013

7-21-2013 Surprise! and Pre-Dinner Music

Fred DeLong, Doyle and Arlene DeLong

Gary and Evelyn, Fred DeLong, Doyle and Arlene DeLong, Gayla and Glen Hickey

 The Hickey family is parked less than 20 miles from the summer home of winter-Texas friends Doyle and Arlene DeLong.  Doyle and Arlene have a lot of company the next week, including Doyle's brother Fred.  Fred and his wife, Karen spent one winter in south Texas.  Sadly Karen passed away from cancer this spring.  In order to spend a few minutes with the DeLongs we went to church with them this morning.  As I have been know to say: "a short visit is better than none."

Glen Hickey and Evelyn Morrow

Paul and Pam Hickey

Gary Morrow and Mildred Campbell

Mildred and Doug Campbell

Myrna Harris, Mildred Campbell, Doug Campbell, Glen, Evelyn Morrow

Marcella Schnakenberg, Paul and Pam Hickey

Rachel Hickey

There was pre-dinner music tonight.  Evelyn provided the guitar music.  The rest of the family provided the vocals.

After the most delicious dinner of home-made lasagna and salad (provided by Myrna) everyone was gathering jackets and blankets.  The temperatures are dropping quickly.

This afternoon we were surprisingly able to watch the St. Louis Cardinals vs San Diego Padres game.  For the past two months Fox Midwest Sports channel has not been available on our channel line-up.  For some reason this afternoon the game was on!  It was much more than an ordinary Cardinals game.  The starting pitcher for the Padres, Eric Stults, is our friend.  His dad, David, and Glen were in the Army together.  We have remained in touch and friends since 1968.  

Darin and Zade were able to go to St. Louis yesterday and today to see the Stults'.  We certainly wasn't hoping the Cardinals would lose, but we did want Eric to have a great game.  

Big plans for tomorrow.  Check in tomorrow evening to see what and where!

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