Tuesday, July 23, 2013

7-23-2013 Play Yesterday-- Rest Today

Yes, it was play all day yesterday, and rest today!

Glen spent some time on the phone.  First was with the electric company we deal with in Texas.

Texas has de-regulated electrical service.  What does that mean?  Choosing an electric company, either the same or  different company, at the end of each contract, which can range from 9 months to two years.  

The consumer is responsible for checking out the price per kilowatt hour, length of contract, and terms/conditions.  One consideration for us is the price per month when we are not in residence in Texas.  Company A may have no charge for non-usage, but a higher kilowatt hour charge; Company B may have a minimum per month charge and a lower kilowatt hour charge, etc.  There may be 4, or 5, or 6 companies to check.  It is up to the consumer to be aware  and knowledgeable about the charges.  

The second call of importance was with Michelle, of Phoenix Paint Inc., in Edwardsburg, MI, just 5 minutes north of Elkhart, IN.  Michelle gave us an estimate to have the roof cap of the motor home repainted.  It is in the price range we were expecting.  She also estimates that it will take a week to complete.  

What is not decided is the date to leave it at her shop.  She is checking her calendar and is to let us know.  It will be in August sometime.  

Some of the family group checked out lighthouses in the area today.  Some went souvenir shopping in Mackinaw City.

The family enjoyed sharing a dinner of pulled pork sandwiches, furnished by Gary and Evelyn.  After dinner the family divided into two groups with each group playing "FARKEL".  "Farkel" is on some computer game lists, or can be downloaded onto tablets or Kindles, or may be known as "Zilch".  By either title the games uses dice and is a game of risk or greediness! 

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