Friday, August 16, 2013

8-16-2013 Happy 16th Birthday, dear Brady.

For some reason the WIFI has not been working here--at my sister/BIL's home.

But tonight I once again removed the battery and hit the "reset" button, and it worked!

Today is the 16th birthday for grandson Brady!  Today he went to the Driver's License office to get the official driver's license, and, to school to get a parking permit at school.  Wow, big stuff.  

I know his mom, our daughter, is looking forward to having another driver in the family.

We spent the day at my mother's home.  Remember she is in a care center.  Glen and I cleaned out two chest-type deep freezers; emptied all of those containers.

The saddest part of all that was remembering how many hours my mom spent picking all those gooseberries and blackberries and how many chigger bites she got that itched afterwards; how many hours she spent picking those small cherries and pitting them.  Oh my. 

But she did make the best gooseberry cobbler ever.  Many years ago it was an unwritten rule that "aunt Shirley" had to bring gooseberry cobbler to every family gathering.

We are enjoying the time we are spending with sister Jan and BIL Bruce, and their children and grandchildren.  

The temps this past week has been been in the upper 70's.  It is wonderful summer weather.

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